What is ACM-W?

ACM-W is the Association for Computing Machinery committee on Women in Computing. It celebrates, informs and supports women in computing, and works with the ACM-W community of computer scientists, educators, employers and policymakers to improve working and learning environments for women.

Who are we?

The RPI chapter of ACM-W strives to recruit, engage, and rejoice in the accomplishments of gender minority computer scientists within the institute. By providing a variety of workshops, networking events, and career advancement opportunities, the chapter strives to create equal opportunity and diversification in CS-related fields. We welcome all women and gender minorities who are interested in computing and related fields to be a part of our chapter. We strive to be a safe space for people of all backgrounds, sexual orientations and gender identities.

How do you join?

Send us an email at acmw.rpi@gmail.com with the following information: Your first and last name, Major of study and your class year, Your ACM membership number (if applicable) *We highly encourage that all members of our chapter also register as members of the nationally recognized Association For Computing Machinery Organization. Student registration can be done here. ACM Membership dues for students are about $20/year.

What is the Grace Hopper Conference?

The Grace Hopper Conference provides a wide array of opportunities for Rensselaer women. Students who attend GHC will build professional networks, go to seminars that enhance their confidence as women in the tech field, and secure prized internships and permanent job offers. Through these connections made, and the knowledge gained at GHC, our female students harness their inner strength to become leaders in the tech industry.